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Vol. 7 / Issue 34 / March 11 2004

Contents of this issue


God is still on the throne!!!

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Standing in the Gap - Fasting prayer on 8th Dec.. 2015

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Through the Valley of Death

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Allah and Elohim - Are they the same God? Book

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By Sherly Isaac

Mel Gibson's movie "The Passion of the Christ" was the first movie based on Christian Theme which ever hit in Block Buster. The movie shows the last twelve hours of Christ's life on Earth. Many Evangelical and Christian leaders had previewed this movie and said that, it is the most accurate account of the crucifixion ever shown on movie screen. They also recommended this movie as a great tool for evangelization.

Most of the people who watched this movie where stunned, shocked and were in tears seeing the heavy price paid by Lord Jesus Christ for the sin of the world. When I read all those reviews, I remembered one of the messages by my brother on Good Friday. He spoke about the severity of the punishment borne by Jesus for us and explained the inhuman practice of scourging. Before Jesus was crucified, He was scourged. The Whip or scourge used for scourging was made up of several leather thongs attached to a handle. In those narrow strips of leather were attached several small pieces of bone, metal and rock. Criminals were beaten 39 times with those whips. Every time it hit the body it removed flesh from the body.

My brother further explained as calculated by him that the whip which had so many pieces of bone, metal and rock when it hit Jesus 39 times and every time when it hit the body of Christ, it ripped out his flesh and at the end of scourging there would have been no flesh left on His body. And how much blood he might have lost in this process?" After that Jesus was given cross to carry to the place of crucifixion. Later He died the most painful death shedding blood on the cruel cross.

Why all these suffering? Why all these pain? Why the Son of God should die for our sins? In the year 1984, there was a great tragedy in Bhopal, India. Poisonous gas leaked from Union Carbide pesticide plant and many were killed immediately and because of its effect 8,000 people died within 48 hours. At the Railway station there was a station master on duty who was a Christian. He got order to leave the station as soon as possible because the poisonous gas was spreading fast and it could kill him and his staff in no time. Most of the staff left. This station master thought about the thousands of people on different trains heading toward Bhopal Railway station. And he knew that as soon as they will reach Bhopal and smell the poisonous gas they will die. So he stayed in the office contacting neighboring towns and village railway stations to inform them that all the trains should be stopped before it reached Bhopal. He was successful in stopping many trains but he lost his life in that process.

He could have left the office without considering the thousands of people traveling by train and could have saved his own life. But he chose to die saving the lives of others. Our Lord Jesus did the same thing on the cruel cross. When He saw that we are dying because of the poison of sin, He could not see us dying. He came down and gave His own life for us so that we could live. Today we can have life because of His death. Jesus said in Mark 10:45 "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." Jesus also said in John 10:15 "...and I lay down My life for the sheep."

Jesus gave His precious life for us so that we could live forever with Him in peace. Yes, He paid the price and because of that salvation is free for every person. But the cost of this great sacrifice was not cheap. Precious, pure and innocent blood of Jesus was shed for our salvation. If you have not yet received this life, I invite you to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior today and have life - eternal life.

God is still on the throne!!!

By Sheela Isaac

Rom 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Bible says that all things work together for good to those who love God. Yes, for those who trust in God all things work for good. Many times we pass through trials and tribulations, many times our lives look dull and desperate, many times we feel that there is no hope for us but God is still on the throne. Many times we don’t understand why we should go through such troubles and problems but one thing is certain that God has not left us. He has not turned His back toward us but still He is on the throne to help us, He is still in control, He controls the universe and nothing is too hard for Him.

Once I read a true story of a boy. He was very poor but he loved God. He was working in a factory to earn his wages to keep his family. He was the breadwinner for his family. Every day when he used to go for work his mother would pack some food for him in a piece of dirty cloth so that he may not go hungry. One day as usual he went outside of the factory to have his lunch. He sat under a tree and was trying to untie the knot of the cloth package. Suddenly out of the blue a dog comes in and takes his packet. He screamed and ran toward the dog to get his packet back but of no use. He ran and ran but could not succeed in catching the dog. So finally in his desperation he decided to get back to his work. As he approached the factory door he found that it was already locked. Then only he realized that lunchtime was already over and that as he was late, he cannot get inside the factory. So he began to cry thinking what a day it was, “first I lost my lunch box and now I am late in my work. So I will not be able to receive today’s wages. What am I going to do now? How am I going to face my family and tell them that we do not have money for tomorrow to buy any food”.

As he was crying and thinking about his fate suddenly he heard a loud noise. There was an explosion in the factory. Later he found out that there was an explosion in his section where he was working and most of his co-workers had died. He could not believe it. Then only he realized that God is good He sent the dog to carry his lunch box away so that he can escape from that deadly explosion. If the dog had not come to take away his lunch box he might have died by that time as his colleagues.

Yes many times things go very wrong and we do not understand why. But Bible says, "For those who love God everything works for good for them." Some times adversaries and calamities come in our lives not to ruin us but to make an escape route for us, so that we can escape from oncoming danger. So don’t be discouraged when things go wrong in your life. Do you love God? If yes, He is in control of your life, though storms may rage, though troubles may arise like a sea. God is still working on your side. Cheer up, He has not forsaken you.

Some times problems and tears come in our lives to refine us to mold us to take us to higher levels of faith. Bible says that God refines us as silver and gold is refined. He allows us to pass through trials and problems so that we can come out as pure gold being refined, so that our lives become more holy and pure before God.

Mal 3:3 He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver; He will purify the sons of Levi, And purge them as gold and silver, That they may offer to the LORD An offering in righteousness.

I was reading the story of Hudson Taylor a missionary for Christ who had great faith. Even in the time of horrible trials he did not lose his faith. I want to quote an incidence of his life which shows how he believed in God even at the point of death.

In the year 1854 Hudson Taylor was sailing towards China. When they reached near New Guinea the sailing vessel was becalmed. The captain had a distressed look on his face. Hudson Taylor asked, what was the matter? The captain said, "we are carried by four-knot current to a sunken reef. Our fate seems to be doomed. We are about to die in the hands of people who live in the Jungles of New Guinea. On the shore of the Island there are cannibals (who eat humans). They are rushing towards the sailing vessel with lighting fire with great glee."

Captain said, "we have done everything what we could and now there is no hope." The young man replied, "No, there is one thing we haven't done. We four of the young men on board are Christians. We will go to our room and pray to God that He could send a breeze immediately that will carry us away from the shore. They went to their room and earnestly pleaded with God. A few minutes later the young men came out of their cabin and with confidence said that their request is granted.

They found that the officer who was in charge did not believe in God. They requested him to let down the corners of the mainsail. The officer asked, "What would be the good of that?" The young man replied that he and the other three young men were pleading with God for immediate help. They also told the officer, "we do not have any single moment to lose as our vessel is very near to the reef." The officer replied, "Nonsense! You can not pray and bring wind."

A few moments later the topmost sail was beginning to tremble. Officer said, "that is only a mere puff of wind, its nothing bigger than cat's paw. The young men replied, "never mind what you think" and they cried out, "Let down the mainsail quickly."

Captain came up from his cabin and found that breeze had indeed come. Within few minutes they were sailing away from the dangerous reefs. Native Cannibals on the beach got very much upset seeing that the vessel was sailing away from the shore.

Hudson Taylor was a man of prayer. His prayers and the prayers of the three other young men saved their lives. This was not the only experience he had but many a times he saw mighty deliverance of God in his life. He got encouraged by those experiences and trusting on God he landed on China's shores.

He realized in his life that whatever prayer he will do in the name of Lord Jesus will be granted to him because God will honor the name of Jesus and will give the help which each emergency requires.

Yes God is a good God. He does not leave us in the time of our need. Are you desperate? Are you perplexed in your life? Look toward Jesus who is our refuge and strength. Has your Doctor given you a bad report? That is not the end of the world. Has your husband/wife filed for divorce? That is not the end of the world. Have you lost your job, money, and house? Are you at the brink of disaster? Are you going through horrible mental trauma? That is not the end of the world. You can still come out of it. Yes you can still survive because God is on the throne. Look toward Jesus in your most desperate need. He will never leave you nor forsake you.

Psa 50:15 Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me."
Psa 51:17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart; These, O God, You will not despise.

Standing in the Gap - Fasting prayer on 8th Dec.. 2015

As the Bible says in Ezekiel 22:30 "So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it." And also the Bible says in Numbers 16:48, "And he (Aaron) stood between the dead and the living; so the plague was stopped." We have fasting prayer every second Tuesday of each month. Our next fasting prayer meeting will be conducted on 16th Nov. 2015

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You can now download articles in Palm Doc format for your palm handheld computer. It will work with any devise that has Palm OS and Palm Doc Reader installed. To download click on the link named "Palm Doc Format" i.e. at the top of this page by the side of each articles.

Please Join us in "Peace Prayer Room"

If you have any prayer request please join us any time at our New Chat Room at If any of us available in prayer room, we will be praying online otherwise you can email your prayer request to

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Hindi / Malayalam/Tamil Bible Online

Now you can read Bible in Hindi online at
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Through the Valley of Death

As many of you know that in the year 2005, our dad was very sick even unto death. God miraculously healed him. We have compiled it in a book form. I sure believe that it will inspire you and encourage you greatly.

This book is available for purchase at JasmineCorp Store

Free Tutorials for your Kids!

Now you can learn Graphics and web designing online. These tutorials are free but you may need to get login ID by registering yourslef. Currently tutorials for Paint Shop Pro, HTML and Dreamweaver/Fireworks are available but in future more tutorials will be added.

Check the tutorials at:

Allah and Elohim - Are they the same God? Book

Now available "Allah and Elohim - Are they the same God" Available at JasmineCorp Store, and "Is Jesus God?" Available at JasmineCorp Store,

Both books compares the Bible and the Quran and read eye opening facts about Jesus, God of the Bible, Allah and Islamic faith. I am sure that you want to read this.

Also read:
Book Title: Is Jesus God?
Author: Sherly Isaac
ISBN: 0759628092

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