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Parminder Puri) Great prophets of the Bible, Samuel - part 3) Great prophets of the Bible, Samuel - part 2) Oil of Gladness- Why John MacArthur is Wrong! - Part 16) Feel Good Message!Why John MacArthur is Wrong! - Part 15) Great prophets of the Bible - part 1) John MacArthur is Wrong! - Part 14) The Story of Mark A Gabriel - Part 4 - The former professor of Islamic history at Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt) The Story of Mark A Gabriel - Part 3 - The former professor of Islamic history at Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt) The Story of Mark A Gabriel - Part 2 - The former professor of Islamic history at Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt) A very special E-card for Father's Day) The Story of Mark A Gabriel - Part 1 - The former professor of Islamic history at Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt) How to beat Depression?) 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But Eternal life through Jesus Christ) Women Disciples of Jesus! Part 3) Women Disciples of Jesus! Part 2) Women Disciples of Jesus! Part 1) Wrong Choices) Mother's Day E-Card) God's Protection - Part 5) God's Protection - Part 4) God's Protection - Part 3) God's Protection - Part 2) Glorious Resurrection) God's Revelations) God of Protection) Blessed is the Man) God Will go Before you And Will Be your Rear Guard) Overcoming Fear) Fear v/s Faith) Missed Warning Signs) LORD surrounds His people) Mansions in Heaven) LORD Made All he Did to Prosper) He will Set you High Above All Nations) A small spark) New Year Promise for 2010) The Story of Christmas) Christmas) Unique Gift of God) A Special Christmas Greeting Card ) Hope for the Hopeless - Part 13) Hope for the Hopeless - Part 12) Hope for the Hopeless - Part 11) Hope for the Hopeless - Part 10) Is prosperity sin? - Part 2) Hope for the Hopeless - Part 9) Is prosperity sin?) 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Word of God - The Tool for Correction) Witchcraft can Destroy your Life But Jesus can Restore your Life - 3) Witchcraft can Destroy your Life But Jesus can Restore your Life - 2) Witchcraft can Destroy your Life But Jesus can Restore your Life) Jehovah-Jireh - God is Our Provider - Part 3) Join us in Facebook) Jehovah-Jireh - God is Our Provider - Part 2) Jehovah-Jireh - God is Our Provider) Testimony of Nazeela Beevi - Part 21) Join us in Facebook) Testimony of Nazeela Beevi - Part 20) Testimony of Nazeela Beevi - Part 19) Ministry is a calling not a job) Testimony of Nazeela Beevi - Part 18) Testimony of Nazeela Beevi - Part 17) Testimony of Nazeela Beevi - Part 16) Testimony of Nazeela Beevi - Part 15) Testimony of Nazeela Beevi - Part 14) Gifts of the Holy Spirit) Testimony of Nazeela Beevi - Part 13) Testimony of Nazeela Beevi - Part 12) Testimony of Nazeela Beevi - Part 11) Testimony of Nazeela Beevi - Part 10) Dad is recovering from surgery - Please keep him in your prayers) Testimony of Nazeela Beevi - Part 9) Testimony of Nazeela Beevi - Part 8) Testimony of Nazeela Beevi - Part 7) Testimony of Nazeela Beevi - Part 6) Testimony of Nazeela Beevi - Part 5) Testimony of Nazeela Beevi - Part 4) Testimony of Nazeela Beevi - Part 3) Testimony of Nazeela Beevi - Part 2) Testimony of Nazeela Beevi - Part 1) 2009 - A Year of Prosperity!) Peace With God) The Priceless Pearl) Pre-existence of Jesus Christ and His birth) Adopted in the Family...) Testimony of Bro. James - Part 3) Testimony of Bro. James - Part 2) Testimony of Bro. James - Part 1) Jesus came to save the lost) You will Blossom again) Wish of a Long Life) Testimony of Arch Bishop Jonathan Ansar - Part 3) Testimony of Arch Bishop Jonathan Ansar - Part 2) Testimony of Arch Bishop Jonathan Ansar - Part 1) Through the Valley of Death) A New Christian Song Website) Prayer Answering God) The Golden Window) Evilness of heart) A New Christian Song Website ) Gladness in my Heart-Part 2) Gladness in my Heart) Fight the good Fight) A New Christian Song Website ) A God who Helps) Blessed is the Man - Part 2) song Videos) Blessed is the Man) Let no one take away your Crown) Word Became Flesh) song Videos) Second Coming of Jesus) He will not let you die!) A very special 4th of July Ecard is waiting for you) He shall bring it to pass!-2) He shall bring it to pass!) He shall give you the Desires of your Heart - 3) A very special Father's Day Ecard is waiting for you) Message of the Cross) Songs Video) He shall give you the Desires of your Heart -2) He shall give you the Desires of your Heart) Does God Care?) Praise Him...) A Mother’s Struggle) A special Mother's Day E-Card is waiting for you!) A Slave Does Not Abide Forever) His Body was Crushed for us!) Call upon Me… I will Deliver you) One-on-One With God!) Praise Him... and Prayer Request) Renewing of your mind) What does Resurrection mean to us?) You Will Bloom Again!) Is Hell A Real Place?) Intimate Relationship with God) The Blood of Jesus) A Tribute to Bro. D. G. S. Dhinakaran) One encounter with Jesus) Let my life be given me at my petition) Are You a Christian? – Checklist for you -2) Are You a Christian? – Checklist for you) Tamso Ma Jyotir Gamaya) Eternal Life) God Speaks Through Various Ways) King of Glory!) Jesus – The Light of the World! ) A special Christmas E-Card is waiting for you) His Name will be Called, Everlasting Father - Part 2) His Name will be Called, Everlasting Father) Why Jesus is God - Part 3) Pray for Protection and Peace ) A perfect Thanksgiving Day Gift) Give Thanks to the Lord) A special ThanksGiving Day E-Card is waiting for you!) Gospel Music Evening with Balbir Suffi) Why Jesus is God? - Part 2) Beware of Curse Placers) You are Destined to be Blessed) Why Jesus is God?) The desperate search of man for God) Joash, Who did not have his Own Opinion) Godly and Ungodly) God Who Gives Rest) Awesome God – Part 10 ) Awesome God – Part 9 ) Awesome God – Part 8 ) Unless Your righteousness Exceed the Righteousness of Pharisees?…) How to Beat Emptiness?)
Select Poem: New Beginning My Wish and my Dream for my country! On the Cross
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Vol. 11 / Issue 23 / December 20 2007
Contents of this issue
Many years ago there was a young engineer working with my father. He had a beautiful wife and young children. This engineer was too much addicted to alcohol. Because of this habit he started losing his health. And a day came in his life when he was very sick. He was taken to a hospital for treatment. His condition improved. Doctors warned him that if he drinks again even a small amount of alcohol, he would not survive. Yet he could not control himself and often he would dodge hospital staff and his family members and used to go and drink alcohol. His condition deteriorated continuously. Finally he died within six months or so leaving behind the young family. Addictions for drinking of this young engineer cost him his life. Though he tried to give up his habit, he could not. Though his family, friends and doctors warned him that alcohol is harmful for him and that it would cost him his life and yet he was unable to overcome his addictions. Yes, my friend, sin is terrible and it will certainly kill you one day. Bible also tells us in Rom 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death”. This death that crept into the life of Adam and Eve is still flowing in our blood and corrupting our soul. We are separated from God and our lives will continue to be in darkness until we meet God and until our sins are forgiven. Often people say how it is possible that Adam and Eve’s sin could affect our lives? They conclude that it is impossible. But take the example of modern day sickness called AIDS. There are many fathers or mothers who has been tested positive for AIDS and without their knowledge their children get the same sickness. Not because those children sinned but because they inherited the disease from their parents. Adam and Eve’s sin has affected our lives because sin, pain, sorrow, tears, toil and death came in to this world. But thank God that He sent His only Son in this world to save us from our sins. He came in this world leaving behind His majesty, His glorious abode and humbled Himself to die for us. In the same verse of Rom 6:23 we read, “but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Probably you celebrate Christmas every year, but have you ever thought how precious the gift was which God gave us in the form of Jesus’ birth? Had Jesus not come in this world, there would have been no hope for our lives. But now we have hope that we could come out of our sins and live a holy life. We could have eternal life through the shed blood of Jesus. If we repent and turn from our evil ways, He is ready to forgive and forget all our sins. Bible says in 1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” And also in 1 John 1:7, “and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.”Jesus came to give us hope and a new life. Come to Jesus and invite Him in your life.
Light that was about to come in this world. This is the light that shines in the darkness and darkness cannot comprehend it or it could not overcome it. This is the light that was about to come in this world. And this light is Lord Jesus Christ. So today we are going to see two of the stories related to the birth of Lord Jesus Christ. And we will also see one more story how this light affected a person’s life whose name was Saul. We see that Lord Jesus Christ was born and He was laid in a manger in a stable. When He was born there were three wise men or very learned men who visited Him These people were watching the stars and their movements and these were the people who studied a lot about how the stars appear and about their significance. So these people saw a very bright star and they were perplexed because this star was very bright, the like of which they never saw before. They were astonished about its brightness. So they tried to figure out what this star was all about. They tried to learn what this star must be telling. And they figured out that this star signified the birth of a special king. They knew that this king is not an ordinary king but a very special king. So they thought, "where can a king be born, he has to be born in the palace of a king." They went to the palace of King Herod and inquired whether there was any birth in the palace. But Herod said No, we don’t have any child born here. And Herod inquired about the child whom they were seeking. They said, "we have seen a special star and we are following that star. They said that this star indicated that there is the birth of a king, a future king. When Herod heard it, he was very much disturbed how a king can be born outside his palace. He was a king and he wanted to cling on to his power. So what he did, he figured out that if a king is born outside of his kingdom, his palace, then he will take away his kingdom. So he planned a very crooked thing. He ordered to kill all the children below two years of age.But Jesus was spared. So here we see that three people saw the bright star and they followed it. When they came to Herod they could not find the person they were looking for. Then they moved forward and they saw that the star was moving ahead before them. So they began to follow the star further. And they reached the place where Jesus was born. And they saw the child they rejoiced with Him. They gave presents of gold, frankincense and myrrh. These people were very rich so they gave very costly presents there. So here they shared the story that they saw the star and what it meant. So Jesus’ mother heard everything and kept in her heart. She might have remembered that the angel had come and said to her that the person who is going to be born would be very special and will be the savior of the world. She might have been very joyful that God has confirmed things once again.Then we see another group of people. This group of people was the shepherds who were tending their sheep at night and suddenly they saw that there was a bright light which shown around them and they saw an angel standing there. They were afraid because there was light and then an angel standing there. But the angel said, 'do not be afraid, I am telling you a good news a very joyful news that there is a Savior born in the city of David. And this is how you are going to find Him. He will be wrapped in cloth and laid in a manger." So they were amazed at it and suddenly after that they saw a group of angels ascending and descending and praising God and saying, 'glory to God and peace on earth and goodwill to men..' So this was what they were singing and those shepherds were astonished. They decided that they are going to see who this child is. They went and they went to the place where Jesus was and they saw Jesus and they rejoiced with them. And they shared the story and they said that this was what the angels told them. And probably Mary’s heart might have been rejoicing at that as it is another confirmation. So here we see two things; once the star was seen and then the light shined to indicate that the light that was coming to the world has already arrived. And this is the light that shines in the darkness. And when this light shines in the darkness, darkness goes away because darkness cannot stand there. Every time at night there is darkness, but morning comes and sun rises from the east and when the sun rises from the east, suddenly everywhere there is light. You do not have to push darkness away, darkness just flees seeing the light. So when this light that was going to come to the world when that light shines darkness goes away automatically. But even though the sun rises from the ground if there is a room which has all the doors and windows shut and all the windows and doors sealed so that no light could enter in, then still there would be darkness in that room.Sometimes our lives are also like that. we have so closed our lives that we do not want the light to enter into our hearts. We are afraid of darkness. We are tired of darkness but still we do not want to open ourselves so that light can come in. Jesus says that he is knocking at the door and if anybody opens the door He is willing to come in. And when this Jesus comes, there is light. And this light makes a person lighted. This light transforms a person into a smaller light. And when this light comes in, it takes away all the darkness. Then all the things that are works of darkness goes away. And this is what happened to the person called Saul. This person called Saul was a very cruel person. He was thinking that he was very religious. He was going and persecuting people. He was thinking that he was doing it for the sake of religion. And it became a habit for him to go on killing people. And with the same intention he was traveling towards Damascus. As he was traveling, suddenly a light shown around him. This light was so bright that he became blind. And he lost his eye-sight. He was not able to see anything around him. And he heard a voice, Saul, "Saul why you are persecuting me.' And he asked, 'who are you Lord that I am persecuting? And he said, “I am Jesus whom you are persecuting”. So here we see that Saul was not persecuting Jesus directly. What he was doing was going to the people who were believing in Jesus and persecuting those people. And here Lord Jesus Christ is saying, “Saul, Saul why you are persecuting me”. Why it is so? Because Bible says that everyone of us who put our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is like the apple of the eye of God. So anybody who touches us, touches the apple of the eye of God. So here the Lord is having a conversation with Saul and He instructs him to go and to wait for Ananias who will be directed to meet him. On the other side Ananias was informed of the place where Saul will be staying and instructed to go and to meet Saul at that place. Ananias knew who Saul was and he tells the Lord, "Saul is a very cruel person and why you want me to go there. It is possible that he may kill me." But the Lord said, "go and talk to him." So Ananias goes and talks to Saul. As soon as Ananias goes and lays his hands on Saul, Saul’s eye sight was restored. And this whole incident transforms Saul and makes him completely a new person. This person who was going on killing people was transformed so much that even when people were attacking him still he was not retaliating. This person was so transformed that he became a person of love. So here we see that this transformation was so profound that all the darkness in his life had fled away and he was totally a new person, a brand new person. So here we see that when Lord Jesus Christ comes into the life of a person, his life transforms into a beautiful thing. And this is what is meant by Christmas. This is what Christmas is all about. This is what Christmas is all about that Jesus who is the light of the world came in this world. He also wants to come in to our hearts to transform us, to change us, to totally make us new. May this Christmas bring lots of joy in your heart, lots of peace in your heart and may this Christmas bring all the blessings that you are looking for in your life in this Christmas season. May God Bless you.
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As the Bible says in Ezekiel 22:30 "So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it." And also the Bible says in Numbers 16:48, "And he (Aaron) stood between the dead and the living; so the plague was stopped." We have fasting prayer every second Tuesday of each month. Our next fasting prayer meeting will be conducted on 16th Nov. 2015
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